Cup of tea anyone?

Cup of tea here! There is nothing like a good cup of English Breakfast Tea. It has to be English Breakfast though, and it must be made carefully. In lockdown, tea has become a comfort, a very British comfort, a tradition my family has handed down to me.
Tea helps in most situations. It is a comfort, relives anxiety and stress. It can be made in times of sorrow, but equally in times of celebration. In lockdown, I am drinking at least 7 cups a day!
There are important steps to pouring a good cup of English tea.
1: Boil the kettle
2: Warm the tea-pot
3: Place the tea bag into the empty tea-pot
4: Allow kettle to boil
5: Pour boiling water into tea-pot
6: Put tea-cosy over tea-pot
7: Pour a splash of milk into tea-cup
8: Wait 15 minutes for tea to brew
9: Pour tea into tea-cup, on top of milk
10: Sit in the garden, with The Guardian newspaper, and enjoy the tea.