Don’t Rain On My Parade is an open call for all people, all artist, all ages, across all disciplines, to participate in a digital art show that celebrates love, diversity and inclusion.
LGBTQIA+ prides have been canceled around the world due to the corona virus. This year instead of marching, we are going to be making art celebrating our ideas in a digital art show, Called Don’t Rain On My Parade, and yes the name of the show was inspired by Barbra Streisand.
The show will be held on June 28th 2020 marking the 51st anniversary of the Stone wall riots. The art show will be seen on line at Chelsea-University of Arts London blog
Requirements are, art must respond to our aims of love, inclusion, diversity and community.
All images must be added to dropbox provided.
If you are having any troubles submitting art work please contact me directly at
Cutoff date for submissions is June 15th at 12:00pm.
You can choose to add a title for your work and also you can choose to add your name or be anonymous.
Please feel free to forward this message to any one that would want to participate. We look forward to seeing your work and celebrating LGBTQIA+ identity through art.