Escape 2 the Country- Irish Edition
Welcome to Escape 2 the Country- Irish Edition. This blog will house my daily stream of consciousness in the form of a singular post and timestamp, whilst I am in voluntary self isolation/ social distancing at my parents house in ridiculously rural Ireland. The blog will end upon my return to London, whenever that will be.
Day 1, Wednesday 18th March 2020, 11:33:04pm.
Day 2, Thursday 19th March 2020, 3:20:57pm

Day 3, Friday 20th March 2020, 5:05:21pm

Day 4, Saturday 21st March 2020, 6:56:02pm

Day 5, Sunday 22nd March 2020, 4:21:45pm

Gosh I dont think I could listen to that Spongebob tune for too long, or I really would be clawing at the walls.