Trees & waterfalls

While in isolation, I have been attempting to entertain myself and my family through constant board games. Board games are a way of escapism, but they are also controlled and constrained fun. You are always working towards becoming the winner but there are always rules along the way. Above, I have created my own version of ‘Snakes & Ladders’, while being outside in my garden inspired by the natural world. In this version, the trees grow and become the ladders for the counters or characters to climb up and the waterfalls are the slippery snakes for the counters to fall down. In this version above, the formless blobs are used as disembodiments and juxtapositions from the ‘real’ trees and waterfalls. The blobs somewhat become imaginary unconditioned counters, altering our perspective of what is real.
Great idea Megan. I like that it offers a way to extend the idea of the blob. It really seems to connect to previous work in lots of ways … play etc, modular forms … climbing and falling. All games need a container (so you can take the game on holidays, store beside the drinks cupboard, or the case of an art-game, send it to an exhibition etc) as I suggested also in Hanyue and Sun, who designed a game for Eva’s Hanover Park Show. The pdf of that is still in the shared drive if you didn’t see it.
The container could be the next thing to make. And an instruction sheet, of course.
Thanks Jeff! Could you send me the link to the shared drive… can’t seem to find it!
I will email the link to you. It is in one of the msgs Patti sent out to everyone.