Graphic Predictions
Do you believe in predictions, telepathic connections and spiritual insights? If no, I’ll show you one thing.
Below you can see the screenshot with my illustration. And this is not a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s just one of the drawings that appeared from the valleys of my subconsciousness somewhere in April-July of 2019. I didn’t know what it meant that time. I thought it’s just a strange illustration with no particular sense. But now it seems like prediction. Even the house where I spent most of my quarantine looks the same.

Institutional approach in contemporary fine art practice is all about criticality and if I may call it so- about conscious contextual choice and clarity. We’ve being taught to be more deliberate, more aware about which exactly ideas we’re conveying through our art. But sometimes we act and create relying only on our feelings and intuition. If to really trust to yourself eventually we can surprise ourself and gain some meaningful predictions about the future. Important task for the artist is just to be able to read these signs on time and to transmit important information to the viewers.