9 thoughts on “Some cinematic celebrations of desolation

  • 28 Days Later is an amazing film — especially as it was shot ‘for real’ on location, no cgi. They had to film in extremely short segments at odd hours to get scenes of an empty London. Which makes you think of the possibilities at present to capture some extraordinary film footage of London and other places as we never see them.


    • Of course I just realised my clip was from ’28 Weeks Later’, the sequel, and probably did make use of CGI. Sadly no clips seem to be available from ’28 Days Later’

  • I thought about La Jetée by Chris Marker, but I couldn’t find the scenes I was looking for. However if someone finds it in streaming it’s a good post-apocalyptic – time travel movie.

    • The beginning of La Jetee is here

      You can probably stream the whole thing on Amazon Prime.
      I was going to say that of course it’s on DVD in Chelsea Library, then I remembered … damn that’s no use

  • Short one by artist Jozef Robakowski called Rynek (translates ‘market’). He used multiple stills compacted to make a sped up observational film — a view from his window at the world outside his tower block.

    • This is really good. So hypnotic… I was wondering how many more people would fit in that market!
      I loved the lady wearing a bright hat chatting with her customers – she appears around 1’15”. She is perfectly positioned for the composition


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