
Home Ludo- digital addition

This digital addition of Home Ludo has been created using my own digital paintings from my archive. Going through archive material for this isolation period has proved rather interesting. While studying and living in Norway, I created these digital paintings as my practice had to adapt to the environment I was in. A lack of equipment and a lack of knowledge of the area meant that my practice became virtual, similar to the climate we are in today. These digital paintings all have their own narratives but their imagery can be a kin to certain rooms I have used for the Home Ludo idea. The top left design has a fluid, formless feel akin to water and thus I have positioned this as the bathroom. The top right has this dreamlike fantastical atmosphere and thus the bedroom. The bottom has an ordered structured tone, juxtaposing shapes against one another and has become the study. The bottom left is a mix of comfort, order and brightness, thus the lounge. All these rooms are then joined through circular steps or stairs of colour to the main room, the ‘winner’ room: the kitchen. The digital painting chosen for this is both hot and cold, bright and dark akin to the functions of a kitchen. During this isolation period, I will attempt to create the physical board game, but for now it remains in the virtual dwelling.

One thought on “Home Ludo- digital addition

  • What I like about it is that it looks playful even without the text. It feels like it’s a path, a route… So interesting to get that from such an abstract piece.


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